Difference between the old and new cooling units RSS

Why buy new vs recharging your old unit???

There are  some R12 units out there since 1989 still running smoothly. Our first year return rate is less than 1% and we are constantly striving to improve it. Unfortunately, environment plays a big part and if a unit is placed in an unacceptable location, life cycles can diminish rapidly. Similarly, dirty (chicken feathers), greasy (restaurants), dusty or acetic locations can spell trouble. Uninsulated cement floors are problems as is the mildly acetic atmosphere in some wine cellars which can corrode refrigeration coils.  To compound the problem the new (R134A environmentally friendly post 1995) refrigerants are not at all like R12. Remember that fridge that lasted fifteen years. The new R134A has an affinity for paraffin's and carbon compounds and that, simply put,...

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